Coming Your Way

Ramu Records presents their third release – ‘S Gytis - Aš ÄŒia’ (translated as ‘I Am Here’). It’s a full-length double vinyl album, which is S Gytis’ second release. The sound of Gytis’ creation evolves alongside his life. Having swapped city noise for a rural setting, he began exploring new directions and this time settled on acoustic instruments. The deep experimental sound is infused with freshness and vitality. The entire album spans diverse spaces and emotions. Each track tells a unique story – a story about feelings or the spaces that Gytis wants to introduce us to.

VytisVA & La'Shaour are joining their musical fronts to create a musical exploration which centres on Lithuanian folklore.
This time our guys are presenting three tracks plus remix from S Gytis with focus on modern electronic music merged with Lithuanian magic verbal charms. The inspiration for the release came from various Lithuanian charms like incantations, prayers to the old gods, and other magic rituals. Therefore they came up with the name Incantations for their EP, which is available in vinyl and digital formats.
Incantations are unique Lithuanian folklore texts and represent a closed tradition. By using these charms, you can expect to change physical and spiritual realms. The existence of these charms assumes that the words contain an exceptional spiritual power, which can influence people, mythical beings, objects and natural phenomena.
Produced by Vytis Vadoklis & La'Shaour
Mixdown by Mantas Jankauskas BAD Studios
Mastering by Andrius Laucevicius MAMA Studios
Photography by Ruta Akelyte
Art Direction by Raminta Ksivickaite (Rami)
Graphic design by Roberta Grigaliunaite

Gytis launches the first record at the community-driven label Ramu Records.
The release sound focuses on experimental electronic music symbiosis with a calming breath of nature.
Gytis tries to guide the listeners through the stimulating rhythm, which takes them to an enchanted forest to admire the magical elements of the surroundings.